
Indoors & Happy Birthday!
Today, there was sunshine indoors - and the little one found it by mischeviously climbing the stairs.  I now have indoor photos I almost really like.  One day...maybe a studio?

Then, it was birthday time!  Early evening light provided a shot or too before it got too dark.  Interesting to see the mood shift between early day photos and these.
Good focus and depth of field, I think.
I still love the little pebbles as a background.
And, then off to Amy's Ice Cream for "cake"!  I do love little twinkle lights!
Decisions, decisions.  I like the way the toppings line up in front of her.

Blowing out her "candle".  We had to improvise. 

1 comment:

James Grayson said...

When shooting portrait type shots, especially in a busy place, it's nice to have that shallow depth of field to hide the busy background that distracts from the main subject. That was shot with your 50mm 1.4 at 1.4? Perfect. I love these shots.
